NUT BAG OFFICER JEFFREY STENROOS: District Attorney slams EX-LAUSD Police Officer with FOUR FELONY'S after his "phoney" shooting that lead to chaos in Valley schools.

Felony Charges Filed against JEFF STENROOS!
By Randy Economy
Thursday, March 10, 2011
12:20 p.m.

Los Angeles, CA

Remember that nut bag Jeffrey Stenroos?  The former Los Angeles Unified School District Police Officer who said he was "shot" while being on patrol outside of a San Fernando Valley high school a couple months ago?

Well, today, Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley decided to file four felony charges against Stenroos for faking his "shooting" and made up story that he was shot by an assailant led to a massive manhunt that literally shut down the San Fernando Valley for an entire afternoon.

Stenroos, 30, faces the following charges:
  1. Perjury
  2. Filing a false insurance claim
  3. Preparing false evidence
  4. Filing a false police report
  5. Misdemeanor of falsely reporting an emergency. 

If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of five years in state prison.  This guy obviously needs some sort of "mental help."  I hope he gets it.  If you know what I mean.

Here is the "official release" to the media from the LADA's office.

LAUSD Officer Charged
in Hoax Shooting

VAN NUYS – A 30-year-old LAUSD police officer whose alleged shooting hoax launched a massive manhunt in the San Fernando Valley was charged today with multiple felonies, including perjury and filing a false insurance claim, the District Attorney’s office announced.

Deputy District Attorney Paul Nunez with the Justice System Integrity Division said Jeff Stenroos was charged in case LA067332 with four felony counts, including preparing a false police report and preparing false evidence, and one misdemeanor of falsely reporting an emergency.

Stenroos allegedly faked his own shooting while he was on duty at El Camino Real High School in Woodland Hills on Jan. 19. Shortly after 11:30 a.m., a Good Samaritan spotted Stenroos lying on the ground near his open car door and called for help.

Stenroos allegedly told fellow officers that a car burglary suspect shot him once in the chest as he was patrolling the campus perimeter. More than 550 law enforcement officers throughout Southern California responded and conducted a 10-hour search, shutting down an eight-square-mile area in the Valley.

After Stenroos was treated and released from Northridge Medical Center the same day, he returned to the command post about 7 p.m. and assisted with the investigation.

An investigation by LAPD”s Robbery Homicide Division determined there was no shooting at the school as Stenroos first described and that he allegedly created false evidence when he claimed he was shot.

He is scheduled to be arraigned March 23 at Van Nuys Superior Court, Department 100. Prosecutors will ask bail be set at $30,000.

If convicted, Stenroos faces up to five years in state prison.