March 29, 2011
8:40 p.m.
Sacramento, CA
Call me crazy.
A couple of hours ago, California Governor Jerry Brown threw up is arms, ran around the state capital ranting and raving and tossed in the towel on budget talks.
Someone, please hide first pooch Sutter Brown. Daddy is pissed off tonight.
Governor Brown has halted budget negotiations. Yep. The "wise" one is done. Outta here. Taking a walk from the ol' mahogany conference table located on the inside of his first floor ornate office. I wonder if he has Sutter on a leash right now heading over to Frank Fats for a stiff one?
"Yesterday, I stopped the discussions that I had been conducting with various members of the Republican party regarding our state’s massive deficit," Brown opined in a written statement to media members this afternoon.
"The budget plan that I put forth is balanced between deep cuts and extensions of currently existing taxes and I believe it is in the best interest of California. Under our constitution, however, two Republicans from the Assembly and two from the Senate must agree before this matter can be put to the people," Brown said.
"Each and every Republican legislator I’ve spoken to believes that voters should not have this right to vote unless I agree to an ever changing list of collateral demands."
The Governor has been pushing for a "special" election that would have allowed US voters to decide on different options on how to get us out of our yearly $30 to $45 Billion Dollar deficit that has become "standard practice" here in the Golden State. What another special election that special interests flood hundreds of millions of dollars into to have us push our fiscal problems further off the Pacific coast?
Brown went on to lament that "Much is at stake, and in the coming weeks I will focus my efforts on speaking directly to Californians and coming up with honest and real solutions to our budget crisis."
Jerry, do us taxpayers a favor. Pull your head out of the Delta River and stop being such a baby.
Stop trying to push EVERY SINGLE problem that career politician like you have created back in the face of the average Californian
Here is a plan.
If Brown can't get a budget deal past by June, we need to ban together to ensure that the next "special" election is one to recall him from office.
We did it before.
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