The Shadow Of The Skinny Dipping Thin Man Staying Dry In Texas Thanks To La Niña

As you can see, looking past the Shadow of the Skinny Dipping Thin Man, I am up way before the sun on the last Saturday of March of 2011.

It is currently 66 degrees.

Yesterday it got so HOT I turned on the A/C for the first time this year and learned my A/C is in malfunction mode, quickly in need of repair in case we get hit with a real HEAT wave.

The Pacific Ocean has been in La Niña mode for awhile now.

I forget what La Niña does to the weather in Washington. I think El Nino is when the West Coast gets hit with Pineapple Express rainstorms.

In Texas La Niña means drought. As in if it does not rain this week, March of 2011 will break the record as the driest in recorded history. We have had only .01 inch of rain this month, as measured at the official measuring station at D/FW Airport.

The previous record was .02 inches of rain, way back in March of 1926. I don't know where the official measuring station was back then. I know it was not at D/FW Airport, because the airport did not exist then.

All my previous Springs in Texas have been the wild weather time of the year, with big thunderstorms, tornadoes, torrential rains, windstorms.

I don't remember the last time I heard thunder or a tornado siren.

I hear the birds starting to chirp, which means the sun is arriving, which means I am going swimming in a few minutes.