REMEMBERING WES LEONARD: Fennville High School Basketball Player in Michigan collapses and dies on court after hitting game winning shot.

Main Street through Fennville, MichiganImage via Wikipedia
Fennville, Michigan is in mourning today.
Fenn bball 111.jpg
Wes Leonard and his game winning shot. He died collapsed and died seconds later.  Photo Dennis R.J. Geppert/The Holland Sentinel.

By Randy Economy
March 4, 2011
10:14 a.m. PST


Last night, a euphoric high school basketball game  turned into a nightmare within a matter of seconds, and today students and faculty and community members in Fennville, Michigan are full of grief and sadness and trying to make sense of what they witnessed last night.

Wes Leonard, a popular star of the Fennville High School basketball team collapsed on the court and later died after making a game-winning layup in overtime.  His winning shot sealed the team's perfect season by going undefeated.  This story has gone global within hours.

Leonard died Thursday night at nearby Holland Hospital.  His  cause of death has not yet been determined.

Friends and fan sent into shock in Fennville, Michigan.  AP Photo

According to media reports and fans, paramedics tended to Leonard right after he collapsed on the court after making the game-winning layup in overtime against Bridgman High School.

  Leonard, a junior who also the quarterback of the Blackhawks football team.

Today, I hope you can pause and reflect on the gift of life, and how precious this gift is for ALL of us, regardless of our age or if your and on "opposite" sides of issues or teams.

So, so sad.

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