NORWALK CITY COUNCIL ELECTION RESULTS: Vernola, Brennan, Mc Intosh take slim early lead

Official seal of City of NorwalkImage via WikipediaBy Randy Economy
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
7:13 p.m.

Norwalk, CA

The polls are closed in the City of Norwalk, and the votes are beginning to be counted.

Precinct 1 - Vote By Mail Results

Luigi Vernola    121
Judith Brennnan 115
Mary Jane McIntosh 107
Leonard Shycock 94
Rick Ramirez  92
Marcel Rodarte 91
Scott Collins 70
Jesse Luera 68
Ginger Silvera 54
Anthony Garcia 32
Larry McIntosh 31
Steve Lowe 24
Craig Beckman 5

More results as the arrive.