Tuesday, March 1, 2011
9:08 a.m.
West Hollywood, CA
Move over Lindsay Lohan, you got competition from Christina Aguilera for the title of "America's Biggest Drunk Celebrity."
The former Mickey Mouse Clubbler was arrested last night but will not be prosecuted for "public intoxication." She and her boyfriend Matthew Ruttler were pulled over on the famed Sunset Strip. At around 2:45 a.m.
West Hollywood Sheriff's Department officials pulled Rutler and Aguilera for driving "erratic." They were bombed out of their brains.
Both Rutler and Aguilera were arrested, and only Rutler will be prosecuted, according to a Sheriff spokesman.
Here are the booking details from BOTH AGUILERA and RUTLER:
Aguilera needs to check herself into rehab. Her infamous "National Anthem" screw up at last months Super Bowl is all beginning to make sense.
She obviously needs help, I hope she gets clean and healthy.
Here are the official booking details just released from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. She left jail after "sobering up" and
Booking No.: 2658652 Last Name: AGUILERA First Name: CHRISTINA Middle Name: MARIA Sex: F Race: W Date Of Birth: 12/18/1980 Age: 30 Hair: BLN Eyes: BLU Height: 502 Weight: 100 |
Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor) |
Booking No.: 2658635 Last Name: RUTLER First Name: MATTHEW Middle Name:
Sex: M Race: W Date Of Birth: 04/05/1985 Age: 25 Hair: BLK Eyes: BRO Height: 511 Weight: 156
Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor)
Arrest Date: 03/01/2011 Arrest Time: 0245 Arrest Agency: 0901 Agency Description: LASD-W HOLLYWOOD STATION PATROL
Date Booked: 03/01/2011 Time Booked: 0259 Booking Location: WHD Location Description: STA - WEST HOLLYWOOD
Total Bail Amount: $5,000.00 Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00 Grand Total: $5,000.00