CERRITOS CITY COUNCIL ELECTION EXPLODES! Political ads pack a punch sending shockwave throughout 90703! Warnings of "Bell sytle corruption" cited.

By Randy Economy
March 4, 2011
1:50 p.m.

Cerritos, CA

The campaign for three open Cerritos City Council seats in next Tuesday's municipal election has exploded.

In today's Los Cerritos Community News, two ads in particular have captivated Cerritos voters attention.

Former Cerritos Mayor Sherman Kappe, and longtime Cerritos resident Ray Lovell appealed to voters to "Just Say No" to embattled candidate Grace Hu.

The ad highlights Hu's past legal mess with the California Department of Corporations on conflict of interest involving public housing profiteering.

Kappe and Lovell, warn voters "What happened in Bell could happen here in Cerritos".  They also claim Hu has a "checkered" past.


Independent Cerritos City Council candidate Christopher F. "Chris" Fuentes exposes over $100,000 in city travel and credit charges of the two incumbent city councilmen currently seeking reelection (Councilman Bruce Barrows and Mayor Joseph Cho).

In the full page ad that is featured on Page 3 of the LCCN, Fuentes points out the similarities that lead to the Bell city council scandal are happening in "beautiful Cerritos." 

"Believe it or not each Cerritos City Council Member receives $3500 per month EACH in salary and benefits including LIFETIME MEDICAL [benefits], a City Pension, Car Allowance, City Credit Cards, Travel Junkets and numerous freebies."

Fuentes has based his claims on documentation provided by Cerritos City Clerk Vida Barone who responded to Fuentes' February 15th Public Information Request with over 600 pages of receipts and expense reports that are also available for public inspection at City Hall.

ALSO.... Cerrtitos Residents were BOMBARDED with more than TEN different pieces of political mail!
 In a last minute effort to sway voters minds.

Question:  What do you think?  Hit my comment section below and sound off.  BTW.  We have two more mail delivery days left of this campaign.  Voter Alert...