By Randy Economy
Monday, March 7, 2011
9:47 a.m.
Longtime Norwalk City Councilman Jesse Luera has been hospitalized after being involved in a traffic incident early Sunday afternoon.
City officials are still piecing together the details about what exactly took place. But according to my sources, apparently the longtime Norwalk community leader was involved in a traffic collision in Norwalk after attending a church service and when fire and rescue personnel arrived they found Luera in "bad shape."
Luera,, who is in his late 70's, was rushed to Coast Medical Plaza in Norwalk and later transferred to Cedar's Sini Hospital in West Los Angelels, where he is located.
His condition is not know at this time. But, my sources indicate that his injuries are "serious."
Luera is running for reelection in tomorrow's heated Norwalk City Council election, along with 13 other candidates.
As soon as additional information is available, I will update this post. In the meantime, having known Jesse Luera and his wife Mary and his family since the 1970's, I want everyone to keep him in your Prayers and thoughts today.
Luera was first elected to the City of Norwalk City Council on April 12, 1994. He was re-elected in 1999, and served as Mayor in 1998, 2002 and 2006. Prior to that he served as a Member of the Norwalk La Mirada Unified School District Board of Eduation.
Mr. Luera serves as a member of community-based organizations, including the American Legion, VFW, LULAC Council #2043, VFW Post 7138, American Legion Post 359, member of the Norwalk Chamber of Commerce, NALEO member, and member of the League of California Cities Latino Caucus.
He and his wife Mary have owned and operated Luera's Cleaners in Norwalk for decades.
In 1980 Mr. Luera received the Distinguished Service Award from Dodge Community College, Dodge City, Kan., for his service and volunteerism in the Norwalk Community. In 1981, he was selected Hispanic Man of the Year in the 34th Congressional District by former Congressman Wayne Grisham.
He was the Director of Social Services for the City of Norwalk for 19 years. Prior to his City Council appointment, he served on the Board of Education for the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District from 1975 to April 1994. When he was elected to the Norwalk City Council, he resigned from the Board during his term as Board President.
Mr. Luera served as a Marine during the Korean conflict, where he was wounded and received a Purple Heart. Following his service as a Marine, he obtained his teaching degree from Emporia State University in Kansas. He held his first teaching position in Kansas at Haysville Jr. High. During this time he also attended Kent State University on a N.D.E.A. Grant. After teaching in Haysville Kansas for 8 years, he was offered a contract to teach in the La Habra School District and moved to California.
More later.