Ice Storm Freezes Dallas/Fort Worth To A Stop 5 Days Before The Super Bowl

The above is a screen cap from the Dallas Morning News, taken a few minutes ago.

It is currently 19 degrees with a Wind Chill Factor of -7.

I started hearing ice hitting my windows at around 3 this morning, right when the National Weather Service predicted it would arrive.

The sun has not yet arrived but I can see the ground is white, covered with ice.

I do not know how extensive the Ice Storm is, but I do know that the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex has shut down. It is likely no Super Bowlers will be arriving today.

This is either the 3rd or 4th Ice Storm I've experienced since I have been in Texas. My first Ice Storm arrived my second week in Texas. It was a shock. The temperature plummeted overnight to around 15 with the ground covered with a couple inches of ice.

When I moved here I did not realize it could get so cold in this zone of Texas. I remember upon arrival thinking it odd that the house had a fireplace. Why would you want a fireplace in hot Texas?

Last night I saw a guy selling firewood down by Wal-Mart. Little piles of big sticks. I don't see firewood for sale here of the sort you see in Washington. Which makes sense, because you don't see trees here of the sort you see in Washington.