May 23, 2011
6:15 p.m.
Los Angeles, CA
My heart goes out to any and all men named "Giovanni Ramirez."
These past 24 hours have been a national roller coaster for ALL men with that unique, and wonderful sounding name. I think the name "Giovanni Ramirez" is probably one of the greatest names anyone could be blessed to have.
Hell, I have the last name of "Economy." Need I say more.
If ANY GIOVANNI RAMIREZ has been "confused" or "mistaken" as the real "Giovanni Ramirez" (follow me, here), I want to send out my sincere apologies.
I hope the LAPD will issue the "official booking photo" of INMATE GIOVANNI RAMIREZ...the ONE who is the focus of this case....ASAP.
Hey, Chief Beck....what is taking so long....?
If your a "Giovanni, or Giavani, or Giovanna" Ramirez, hang in there...
I take great pride in the factual information contained on my blog. As a professional journalist, and former political adviser to more than 400 national and local elected officials, I know the importance of GETTING the facts RIGHT...100% of the time.
Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Let justice take its course in this legal case.
Also, to all of the other "Randy Economy's" in this world, I want to formally apologize for making your life "upside down." Yep, believe it or not, their was another "Randy Economy" right here in my hometown and well..."she" ended up moving and changed her last name.
Giovanni Ramirez, I feel your pain.
Stay Tuned.
--The Real Randy Economy