By Randy Economy
May 17, 2011
4 p.m.
Los Angeles, CA
What really went on inside the tony enclave of Brentwood where ubberstar Arnold Schwarzenegger played house, movie star and governor of California.
Today many are in shock to learn that Schwarzenegger fathered a child out of wedlock more than a decade ago that involved a female on his personal staff. The name of the "mother of the year" has not been made public, but trust me, it is just a matter of hours before she appears in public....probably with Attorney Gloria Allred in toe.
Sacramento is a human cease pool. Schwarzenegger was the perfect fit to run California for over seven year. His famous "cigar tent" parties on the lawn of the state capital were legendary. Friends of mine, who were members in the state legislature when Arnold ruled old Sac, always told me that "what went on inside that tent would blow the mind of every Californian."
I also think about former State Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez. He was Arnold's BBF during their entire time in Sacramento. The ex-governor commuted the sentence of Esteban Nunez for the role the 20 something played in the role of a murder of a frat student at a San Diego college party in 2008.
Did Nunez or others in Sacramento know about Arnold's real life? I have been around politicians my entire life. Elected officials thrive on gossip and story telling.
Nothing shocks me in public life....and today was no different.
Arnold, time to tell the truth, the whole truth, with names and details. I happen to know a good blogger who would LOVE to talk to you...
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