I decided to see if the Tandy Hills had been de-muddied by today, after staying away after last Friday's muddy stickiness.
Today, I was pleased to find nothing sticking to my hiking boots.
It is good the hills have decided to dry up.
Because they are scheduled to be trampled on this coming Saturday during the second annual Manly Men/Wild Women Hike.
I do not know if I will be able to be a Manly Man this year due to the news of this year's Manly Men/Wild Women Exhibition coming after I'd already made other plans for this coming Saturday.
However, plans can always change.
It is good the Manly Men/Wild Women Hike is this Saturday and not the Saturday following this Saturday, because, according to Fort Worth Weather Prognosticator, Bud Kennedy, reporting in his Facebook weather report, next week we are scheduled to get cold.
Real cold.
And the week following next week the projections are currently projecting the possibility that we could get down near zero here in North Texas.
I think I need to check the anti-freeze in my vehicle.
Let us change the subject from freezing to food.
I must say the Avgolemono Soup I made for lunch turned out way better than I thought it would. Lemon soup? How could that be good I thought? My mom and dad shipped me an awful lot of lemons. I needed to come up with some good way to use some of them. A classic Greek soup was a classic good solution.
I got some good stuff at Town Talk today. A lot of Roma Tomatoes. And a humongous container of Gorgonzola. Anyone need some Gorgonzola?
At times I wonder if former Fort Wortherite, current Tacoman, MLK, is right when she opines that Town Talk has made me fat. However, today I did buy 2 bags of Guiltless Gourmet Blue Corn Chips, in addition to all that cheese. Then again, those Guiltless chips will likely end up having an awful lot of cheese melted on them.
It is truly a wonder I am not fatter.