2011 Tandy Hills Manly Men & Wild Women Hike

Yesterday I mentioned that it was a year ago yesterday that I went on my first Manly Men/Wild Women Hike on the Tandy Hills.

And that the Queen of Wink and Princess Annie came all the way from their West Texas realm to participate.

I was then informed by the Leader of the Manly Men, Don Young, that details of this year's Manly Men/Wild Women Hike would be forthcoming.

And so, those promised details came forth today.

This year's Forced March will occur on Saturday January 8, 2011.

At 10 AM.

The Hike will start from 3400 View Street. You know, the spot where the Prairie Fest takes place.

After the Hike, a group lunch, details to be announced, will take place.

I am a bit hazy regarding last year's group lunch. I seem to remember being some place in Arlington having lunch after the Manly Men/Wild Women Hike.

If you feel the need to RSVP your participation in one of Fort Worth's top annual events you may email Don Young.

Mr. Young is adding a bit of a teaser to this year's Manly Men/Wild Women announcement in that he is saying a side trip "might" be taken to the Witchey Tree of Tandy Hills. There have been some aspersions cast as to the legitimacy of Mr. Young's Witchey Tree Tale by some local skeptics.

I do not believe the well known Wild Woman of Woolley, Betty Jo Bouvier, will be able to make it to Fort Worth on January 8 to demonstrate her brand of Wild Womanliness.

I also do not believe Elsie Hotpepper will be able to hike the hills, even though she is pretty much the Wildest Woman I currently know.

I am fairly certain the Queen of Wink and Princess Annie will not be Wild Women this year. The Realm of Wink has been going through some regime change issues. There are some reports of a Queen Consort. And other reports that the Queen of Wink is in some sort of Eleanor of Aquitaine situation, kept under strict control, virtually under house arrest.

Anyway, the 2011 Tandy Hills Manly Man & Wild Women Hike is next Saturday.