Why Texas Stands Out And Is The Envy Of The Nation

In the picture you are looking at the gun toting Texas governor, Rick Perry, in downtown Fort Worth, where he had a shoot out with Fort Worth's soon to be ex-Ruling Despot, Mike Moncrief.

I did not know, til this morning, when reading the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's letters to the editor, that Rick Perry said that Texas is "still the envy of the nation."

I Googled "Texas envy of nation" to learn Perry said this in his most recent  State of the State Address to the joint session of the Texas State Legislature.

I thought the Star-Telegram had a patent on the "Envy of the Nation" verbiage. Maybe the Star-Telegram licensed Perry's use of their patented verbiage.

Below is the above mentioned letter to the editor....

Why Texas stands out

Gov. Rick Perry recently said that Texas is "still the envy of our nation" on a multitude of fronts despite a withering budget crunch that is threatening deep cuts in state services.

Yep, Texas is first in the number of uninsured, in the number of executions, in the number of teen pregnancies, in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, in the amount of toxic chemicals released into our water and in the percentage of high school dropouts.

Texas sure is the envy of the nation all right; that is, the rest of the nation is extremely glad they are not like Texas.

-- Edward Lindsay, Fort Worth

Edward left out Texas being the nation's #1 litterers. And being the state with the largest number of obese people.