Thursday Morning in Texas Going Swimming & Thinking About Jesse James

Starting off the 3rd Thursday of the 2nd month of 2011 31 degrees above freezing in formerly frigid Fort Worth, 30 degrees warmer than Seattle is right now, which is the reverse of a week ago.

The sky is bluer than what is indicated by the picture taken from my viewing portal.

I got a strange email this morning. I'm assuming it was generated in response to a webpage I long ago made about Jesse James, titled "The Truth About Jesse James," which I made when someone in Granbury was trying to prove that Jesse James was buried there.

This is what the emailer had to say...

If you did your research, you would know that Stella James, Jesse's son's wife disproved J. Frank Dalton claim, Jesse James wore a size 6 1/2 boot J. frank Dal tons foot was a lot larger! Also a forensics expert compared Jesse's known photo to J. Frank Dalton, there a somethings that change with age and somethings that don't, example Jesse's receding hair line, the spacing between his eyes, width of his forehead compared to J. Frank Dalton did not match! Jesse's mother was not a Dalton, her 2nd husband was related to the Dalton's not Zerelda!

All I got out of the above is Zerelda is an interesting name I'd not heard before.

And now it is time to go swimming.