The Skinny Dipping Shadow Of The Thin Man On A Cold Texas Morning On The Ides Of March

In the picture that's the Shadow of the Thin Man in skinny dip mode, well before the arrival of the sun on the Ides of March, the third Wednesday of March.

It is currently only 8 degrees above freezing. I have not decided if I want to attempt jumping in that aqua-marine oasis you see glowing below me.

I had a sort of rough night of nightmaring. Shock treatment via cold water would likely be a good treatment for the currently foul mood I am in.

In the worst of last night's nightmares I was back in Burlington in the house I grew up in. All sorts of things were wrong. And then I walked in my bedroom to find that enormous entity I call Fubbo. I immediately tried to remove her from my bedroom, but due to the enormous heft I was unable to budge the behemoth.

It was horrifying.