Looking For Snakes & Armadillos In Arlington's Village Creek Natural Historic Area

In the picture you are looking at a colorful tree in the starting to green up Village Creek Natural Historic Area in Arlington.

I used to see a lot of armadillos in this natural area. I can't remember the last time I saw one.

Village Creek Natural Historic Area is also the location where I've had more snake encounters than any other outdoor spot.

I've seen Copperheads, Water Moccasins and Rattlesnakes.

And my one and only Alligator Gar sighting. Since I saw an Alligator Gar in Village Creek I have never gotten back in a Texas lake.

I was a bit under dressed for being outdoors today. As in I got chilly. It was about 50 with a strong wind, hence the Wind Chill Factor making it feel colder than 50.

The air was heated to 44 this morning when I went swimming. With a strong wind. But the water was so much warmer than the air it felt like it was a heated pool. Which it is not.

I don't think I will be getting in the pool tomorrow morning.