Fort Worth's Paradise Center Scandal Now Has A Blog

My bloggings about  Fort Worth's Paradise Center Scandal have generated a lot of comments.

The comments from the shills of MHMR, and its CEO Jim McDermott, have been mean-spirited, slanderous, inarticulate and at times sort of nasty.

Which is what thuggish bullycrats do.

Just this morning I hit the publish button on a comment from a little girl named Elizabeth. Elizabeth was responding to how the MHMR thuggish bullycrats had characterized little Elizabeth in one of the comments.

You can read Elizabeth's comment and the original blogging that generated it by going to "The Paradise Center Scandal Has Me Mad As Hell At Fort Worth" blogging on this blog.

Or you can go to the new Paradise Center Scandal Blog/Website where some of the explanatory scandal bloggings have been replicated, along with the original comments.

I have reason to believe some interesting developments lay ahead in the Paradise Center Scandal.