The Muddy Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man Trying To Keep Warm In Fort Worth

That is the Muddy Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man waving at you today around noon.

It was a relatively balmy 41 when I hit the hills. So, I only had to wear 2 longsleeve shirt layers, plus a hoodie sweatshirt and wool cap to keep warm. And gloves.

I figured the Tandy Hills would have dried out by today from Friday's rain. I figured wrong. So, I did not get all gungho on the hiking.

Due to the mud and my recurring problem with my right foot having some sort of injury that is taking too long to go away, I cut my hill time short.

I tried returning calls to Elsie Hotpepper and Tootsie Tonasket while I navigated the mud. Neither was taking calls.

Before I left for the Tandy Hills I was trying to make sense of a West Texas Facebook mystery involving a charlatan who apparently has left dozens of West Texas women in Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned mode.

I've been down that road before. Unjustly, I might add. So I have some sympathy for the charlatan.

The Queen of Wink surprised me by indicating she is able to understand the tortured prose of Big Ed without a translator or subtitles. She is so smart it is annoying. She is so smart she'd never get taken in by a charlatan.

I also chatted with Carlotta Camano this morning. She is a witty one. Very hard for me to keep up.

And this morning for the first time I played Scrabble via I-Pad.