Almost 60 On The Last Wednesday Of 2010 In My Texas Location

I did not get around to looking out the window til after the sun arrived, this last Wednesday morning of 2010.

With 3 days to go before the arrival of the New Year we are only 3 degrees shy of 60 degrees this morning in my zone of Texas.

Something in the air has my eyes not functioning correctly this morning. Excessive moisture causing blinking and slight itching. What is in the air that is causing this. The problem abates as the morning progresses.

Snow is in the forecast for the Northwest. Nothing white is in the forecast for my location. We are scheduled to have a couple days of semi-warmth, with possible rain, followed by a temperature plummet by the New Year. With no chance of snow.

It really is true, when you have nothing else to talk about, you talk about the weather. At least that seems to be what I do.

Time to go swimming now. Talk to you later.