Almost 80 Degrees In Texas In Mid December Causing Me To Think About Rush Limbaugh & Millard Fillmore.

77 degrees at 3 in the afternoon this December 15 at my location in Texas.

I've got my windows open. Again. I was running the A/C while driving today up in Hurst. Yesterday I was running the vehicle's heater.

I do not remember opening my windows or running my vehicle's A/C in December in Texas, previously.

Maybe I am remembering wrong.

I listen to Rush Limbaugh for a few minutes every once in awhile.

Ex-President Millard Fillmore, who after getting kicked out of the presidency and the Whig Party, later ran for president on the Know Nothing Party Ticket. The Know Nothings were strongly anti-immigration. I don't know if going on and on about global warming being s hoax was part of their platform, way back then.

But if radio had been around in the 1850s, that being Millard Fillmore's time on the planet, and I was around to listen to it and Know Nothing Millard Fillmore had a talk radio show, I would listen to it just to be entertained by the astonishing buffoonery on display. Just like I do when I listen to Rush Limbaugh for a few minutes.

Yesterday Limbaugh was going on about the record breaking cold temperatures at his location in Florida being proof that there was no such thing as Global Warming. I think a listener, or someone, may have pointed out to him that the actual issue is Climate Change.

I am wondering if Mr. Limbaugh were located in my location how would he spin it being a warm almost 80 degrees today in Texas, with December windows open?

Ironically, with it being short wearing, possible shirt off temperatures, I don't think I am going to be doing any hill hiking today. Just not in the mood....