OFFICER KATE BECKETT KILLED? Is the star of the ABC Drama "Castle" dead or alive? What a cliffhanger tonight! Take my POLL!

By Randy Economy
Monday, May 16, 2011
11:01 p.m.

Los Angeles, CA

Is Officer Kate Beckett dead or alive?

What a cliffhanger tonight on the season finale of "Castle"tonight!  I totally dig this show.  I think I have probably watched every "Castle" since it first hit the airwaves....
Kate BeckettImage via Wikipedia
Beckett: Dead or Alive?
In the final seconds of the "Season 3" finale, Beckett is shot while giving a eulogy of her boss, Capt. Roy Montgomery, who turned out to be a snake in the grass....

Is Kate Beckett dead or alive....take my poll here on my blog. Sound off below.  Let your opinions be known...
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