BIN LADEN WAS A PORNO FREAK! "Extensive" XXX-Rated flicks found "stashed" on flash drives, computer disks. YYY YUUUUCCCKKKKK!

Bin ladenImage via Wikipedia

By Randy Economy

This is totally creepy.  Osama Bin Laden was "hooked on porn."Yep.  The Christian Science Monitor (wth?) is reporting, along with other media outlets that the "worlds most wanted terrorist" was a pron freak.

American officials apparently found a stash of adult skin flicks in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.  Some are calling his collection “extensive.”  Excuse me, but isn't pron against some "moral code" over there?  

Although bin Laden did not have access to the Internet, his couriers brought him flash drives, computer disks, and other recorded messages.

No word on who or what type of porn it was...the terrorist mastermind’s image is going up in smoke...

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