MARILYN DAVENPORT: OCGOP Chair Scott Baugh calls for resignation of Central Committee Member after "racist" email mocked Obama. Time for BOTH BAUGH and DAVENPORT to BE FIRED from the OC GOP! Paging Donald Trump!

By Randy Economy
April 18, 2011
6:15 p.m.

Behind the Orange Curtain, USA

WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 03:  U.S. President Bara...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeWhat the hell is going on with the Orange County Republican Party?

Have they totally lost all of their marbles?  The "circus" that has become the Orange County Republican Party is out of control, and on the verge of total meltdown.

We "get" the fact that this area in Southern California is a bastion of raw "conservatism."

We "get" the fact that President Obama and his policies are decried each and everyday via OC news blogs, by OC Republican Party Chair Scott Baugh and his "minions,"day in and day out.
Orange County is called "The Orange Curtain" for a reason.  This past weekend, Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee, sent out an email that portrays President Obama as being born from "monkeys."  Big deal.  Oh, come on.  How many "radical" emails have YOU gotten over the past four years that mocks our President? Dozens, hundreds or thousands?  You pick. 

Marilyn Davenport is now one of the most famous Republicans in California, thanks to OCGOP Chairman Baugh.

Baugh is having a total political break
down and we are all watching the "train wreck" in progress .

Scotty "Blah Blah" Baugh wants Davenport's head on a platter.

Davenport told Baugh to  stick it his ear.

Just a couple of minutes ago, Baugh sent out the following nasty media advisory:

GOP Chairman Scott Baugh calls for resignation of member as a result of racist email.
April 18, 2011
 Republican Party (United States)Image via Wikipedia
Scott BaughImage via Wikipedia
Citing the grossly insensitive and racist email forwarded by OCGOP Central Committee member Marilyn Davenport, Scott Baugh called on her to apologize and to step down from her elected Central Committee position. Baugh does not believe her half-hearted apology after the incident reflected the magnitude of the offense.

 "It's just highly inappropriate, it's a despicable message, it drips with racism and I think she should step down from the committee," Baugh said. "It undermines everything we are doing to reach out to ethnic communities. Furthermore, it is simply wrong"

Scott Baugh, Chair, OCGOP

OCGOP Chairman Scott Baugh's Speech to Costa Mesa Tea Party from OC GOP on Vimeo.

Note to Scott:

Donald Trump in February 2009Image via Wikipedia
Davenport and Baugh:  Time for Donald to FIRE them both?
What planet are you on? You can't win this fight with Marilyn Davenport.  Wonder if Baugh was ever caught on tape "mocking Obama?" Careful Mr. Chairman, the gates swings in BOTH DIRECTIONS in big time "politics."

Time for BOTH BAUGH and DAVENPORT to BOTH be FIRED.  Give me the phone.  I am calling Donald Trump.

Video: Baptist Archbishop Walter Dixon Calling For GOP Marilyn Davenport Too Damn Fire Her and Kick Her Out Now!

Chairman Scott Baugh's Call to Action from OC GOP on Vimeo.
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