Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, Los AngelesImage via WikipediaBy Randy Economy
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
9:06 p.m.

Los Angeles, CA

You can call new University of Southern California President Max Nikias "fighting mad" with the numerous amount of dangerous "Rave" parties that are being held at the Los Angeles County Sports Arena and Coliseum that is located on his famed Downtown Los Angeles educational institute.

The Von KleinSmid Center of International and ...Image via Wikipedia
Nikias is so concerned about the rash of violence and arrests and overdoses that have been taking place at these recent events, that today he blasted an email and letter to everyone at USC including students, faculty and administrators warning them to avoid all contact when these events. Period!

The problem is clear.  These "rave promoters" have hired many leading "political insiders" to help them keep these raves open and thriving by lobbying members of the Coliseum Commission and Members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Rave promoters have access to millions of dollars.  One big party for one night can clear as much as $10 Million in ticket sales, and some of them attract 10's of thousands of party goes. The promoters
"deep pockets" and growing inside political influence should be cause for alarm to every resident in Los Angeles County.  It is time to WAKE up and FOLLOW the MONEY!

In a letter sent out today,  the SC President is warning students about the dangers of these Raves, and to be aware of their surroundings when these events are being held at their campus.  (I was sent this letter from an "ANTI RAVE" proponent, along with other media outlets tonight in LA.  Thanks "Mr. M" for sending me this!)

USC logoImage via Wikipedia

January 26, 2011

Dear USC Students,

USC Trojans athletic logoImage via WikipediaThe University of Southern California has a long history of working to protect and promote the health, safety, and well-being of our Trojan Family. We seek out various channels to remind students that each member of our campus community is an important link in maintaining a vibrant campus environment. As just one example, in 2008 we launched the pioneering Trojans Care for Trojans (TC4T) program designed to empower students to take action when they are concerned about a fellow Trojan.

Although it has been in place only a few years, TC4T has already helped more than 100 students, illustrating the impact that a simple, individual action can have on the lives of others. Similarly, I want to reinforce that USC's administrators, faculty, and staff consider your success our utmost priority. This goal stands at the core of all that we do, and we share an unwavering commitment to creating an environment in which you blossom both in the classroom and in your personal lives.

180Image via WikipediaFor this reason I wish to warn you about a specific danger that has become increasingly prevalent in the City of Los Angeles: raves.

Occasionally, these are held close to our campuses, often at the Coliseum or the Shrine, and they present serious risks to all who attend. Ecstasy, which is common at raves, produces a number of adverse reactions that may include disorientation, anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and hallucinations. These reactions, even in mild forms, can create a ripple effect of dangers that lead to catastrophic consequences. (Visit the USC Drug Free website for additional information and resources.)

Therefore, with the collective support of the university's senior administration-and as the father of two USC students-I strongly discourage your participation in rave events. More generally, I encourage you to be cognizant of your choices and to make wise decisions during your time here at USC, whether you are attending an event with a "buddy," taking advantage of a safe ride program, or calling attention to a fellow Trojan in need of help.

The Division of Student Affairs has wide-ranging resources available to students, including the Student Counseling Center, Center for Women and Men, Health Promotion and Prevention Services, and Student Support and Advocacy departments, to identify just a few. As a community, we are here for each other, and you should never hesitate to seek support or guidance. Most importantly, we urge you to practice judicious, healthy habits and to model these behaviors among your colleagues and our entire Trojan Family.

C. l. Max Nikias

My Opine:

I am so so glad the the USC Administration is taking a PUBLIC STAND ON THIS DEADLY ISSUE. It is LONG OVERDUE!

When will the Los Angeles County Coliseum Commission stop placing personal profits of "Rave Promoters" over the safety of our community.

The ONLY thing I ask us taxpayers is to take a stand.  Follow the Money. Hold our ELECTED OFFICIALS at the LOS ANGELES COUNTY HALL OF ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTABLE!

 If you are a student at USC, I want to hear from you and your take on the "rave of Raves" on your campus.  Hit my comment section under this blog!  Keep the Fight On!
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